Aeropress Coffee Maker

£39.99 inc VAT
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Product description

Proper brewing temperature, total immersion brewing and rapid micro-filtering are the keys to coffee flavour excellence. The revolutionary Aerobie AeroPress© coffee maker is designed to optimise these factors. The result is one of the smoothest, richest coffee you have ever tasted. It makes American style coffee or an espresso-style shot perfect for use in latte or cappuccinos.

The brilliant, lightweight and portable AeroPress Coffee Maker produces quick, simple and delicious coffee in just 30 seconds. Increasingly popular with coffee aficionados, it can easily be dropped into a rucksack for a coffee-fuelled outdoor adventure and it's a must-have for all camping situations.

Its primary attraction is rich, smooth taste but the AeroPress is also receiving rave reviews for its ease of use and its quick clean up. You can brew up to four cups in a minute and clean up literally takes seconds.

The AeroPress works with standard-sized mugs and can be used with narrower mugs utilising the included funnel.


- Mixing Chamber
- Filter Cap
- Plunger
- 350 Filters & Filter Holder
- Funnel
- Stir Stick
- Coffee Scoop
- Instructions

Part No: 801701